Updated bucket list- Top 5!
Cheese alert! I love bucket lists. I’ve had one for a while. I go back to it, cross things off and update it. I have places that I’ve realized I should be moving up on my list, to go and enjoy while I’m younger. Then some trips would be best kept for when I’m older and moving a little slower. I’m an over thinker and a planner. Anyone else out there think like me?
Without any further delay (and in no particular order), here are the top 5 things that I would love to experience in the near future, please see my list below!
EGYPT! Fun fact: When I was a wee little one, I wanted to be an Egyptologist. I was obsessed with everything Cleopatra, hieroglyphics, the pyramids, and ancient artifacts. I wanted to ride a camel through the desert, explore the pyramids and take a river cruise down the Nile.
UGANDA or RWANDA (I’ll try not to be picky), GORILLA TREKKING Another little something that’s been on my bucket list since forever. I always loved reading about Jane Goodall, seeing her photos, any videos I saw of her, I thought what she did was the most incredible work. If I could go to these regions and experience these gorgeous and fascinating animals, I know I would also be giving back, because a portion of your trip goes toward the conservation.
A VISIT TO TORRES DEL PAINE, National Park I’m no city girl, I really enjoy beautiful landscapes and peacefulness! This is a place that I would like to disappear to for a while. Hire someone to run my business for the week, silence my phone and not answer an email. I love what I do, but this will be a trip where I truly unplug. I think we all should strive to find a trip that can help remove us from our busy lives and not just to an all inclusive on a beach somewhere. But a place that can challenge us, to help us step out from our comfort zone and to be closer to nature. This would be mine.
Ps. some lodges in the Patagonia region are DREAMY!
JUNGLE BOOK EXPERIENCE IN INDIA (Pench National Park) Not exactly the first thing that comes to mind for people if you were to mention traveling to India. Though for me I’ve just always known that someday I will visit the park where the Jungle Book author, Rudyard Kipling was inspired for the book. This very park is where you can go on safari to see the tigers in the wild. I would certainly add onto this trip and see more of the country, but this would be a must for me.
SAHARA DESERT TOUR, IN MOROCCO I suppose I could thank Jasmine and Aladdin for this one. Endless sand dunes, tents, rugs, tea, camels and just the desert sand for as long as the eye can see. I think this is an experience I would really enjoy and would never forget, there’s really nothing I could ever compare it to.
Parents, please teach your children what a bucket list is. Pull up google maps, or a globe if you have one and show them the world, inspire them at a young age. Help them write their list and to dream big. I hope you’ve enjoyed my list. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you and what yours has on it!